Links for October 6th

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “Links for October 6th”

  1. Americans don’t want to harvest onions. They also don’t want to pay the (high) price that an onion would have to cost if Americans were paid enough to make it worth their precious while to harvest onions. They want to pay the (low) price that onions currently cost which is only possible because illegal migrant workers will harvest the onions for cheap. Now, Americans say they don’t want “illegals” in the U.S., but I think what they really mean is that they don’t want to SEE or come into contact with any “illegals”–not on the street, not on public transportation, not in housing, not in the schools, etc. Please be completely invisible to me, illegal migrant workers, in every way, so that I don’t have to think about you at all, but please DO continue to pick onions at incredibly low wages so I can buy my nice cheap onion at the store.

  2. Claire, the article is about foreign migrant workers who were here legally. The farmer tried to hire American workers to supplement his work force, but couldn’t get enough people to come (and stay) at his job.

    I agree that most people don’t want to “see” illegals (especially if they are using government benefits in some way), and that they don’t want to pay the higher prices hiring all Americans would entail, but that’s not really what the article is discussing.

  3. Of course, Michael–thanks for a clarification that doesn’t (seem to) materially affect the argument I’m making in my comment. My point seems to stand that most Americans want to have their cake and eat it too.

  4. I.Pub., spot on this part of Michael’s post?

    “I agree that most people don’t want to ‘see’ illegals (especially if they are using government benefits in some way), and that they don’t want to pay the higher prices hiring all Americans would entail…”

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