links for 2010-07-20

  • The submissions to FMyLife that received the most "you totally deserved it" votes. And, yeah, these people totally deserved it.
    (tags: humor)
  • A very funny blog (at least from my perspective) featuring brief stories of sexism, all ending with "my fault, I'm female," in the "FML" vein.
    (tags: sex humor)
  • This story is just delicious. Who would have thought that a leaderless organization where anybody can claim to speak for the entire group could wind up fighting amongst themselves? We've got the Tea Party Express fighting with the National Tea Party Federation, one calling the other an "embarrassment," the other responding that the first organization is "absurd." With nobody in charge, this is a never-ending pissing match.
  • If you believe that there's no such thing as using a word wrong—English is always changing, after all—then you should be A-OK with Sarah Palin's use of the non-word "refudiate."

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “links for 2010-07-20”

  1. Shakespeare coined language, as in he created new words deliberately. Palin and George W. are just dumbasses. There’s a clear difference there.

  2. Thank you for NOT posting a picture while you mentioned Palin… I am so sick of her mug getting plastered all over my browser every time she does something mildly entertaining and the news picks it up.

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