links for 2010-05-04

  • This is a grammatically accurate, syntactically meaningful sentence. Rearranged, with some helper words, it reads: "the buffalo from Buffalo who are buffaloed by buffalo from Buffalo also buffalo the buffalo from Buffalo."
  • There's a new theory that the gullies on Mars could have been formed by flowing sand, rather than flowing water, since fine particulate matter can behave a great deal like a fluid. But Bad Astronomy doesn't think that's plausible, and uses some photographic evidence to argue in favor of the evidence pointing to a fluid, or at least a dense gas.
    (tags: mars geology)
  • Disney maintains a population of feral cats to eat the mice that would otherwise infest the park.
    (tags: disney animals)
  • Two decades of monolithic use of Roundup and Roundup-Ready (patented) seeds, Monsanto has bequeathed to the world Roundup-Ready weeds. By killing every plant without Monsanto's gene in it, that meant that the fittest weeds—those that can handle roundup—survived. Also, we're learning that gene-swapping between species (even kingdoms) is commonplace, so some of those Roundup-Ready genes may have hopped into some pigweed or ragweed. Nature finds a way. And now we're right back where we were twenty years ago.
  • Randy Munroe had 222,500 people label colors on the spectrum. The result is really interesting. It turns out that females, while they'll identify a few more colors, basically perceive the same gradients as males, despite the stereotype to the contrary. The survey also allowed Randy to identify 48 colors that basically everybody agree on. He might have done this for fun, but I think these are really valuable data.
    (tags: color survey xkcd)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “links for 2010-05-04”

  1. Ha. I know where you got that. And when I read it, I thought – this is totally a wikipedia article that Waldo would link.

  2. Regarding the cleanliness of Disneyland…

    Recently, I was at the opening day of Kings Dominion and it just wasn’t “spotless” like I’d expect at a top-shelf theme park like any flavor of Disney. I wrote about it and got lots of agreeing opinions.

  3. Oddly enough, buffalo were not found anywhere in the vicinity of Buffalo (NY) at the time of European colonization.

    Re: Bad Astronomy, they might as well argue that the Mississippi river is not full of water but rather a substance that looks very much like water and functions identically to water.

  4. Randy Munroe: remembering that science doesn’t have to be practical in order to be awesome.

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