Scooby snacks are made out of fetuses.

The RNC has been humiliated by the leak of an internal fund-raising slideshow that mocks their donors and promotes their plan to raise money based on fear. The part that stands out for me is the “Evil Empire” slide, in which they compare the three top Democrats to a trio of bad guys: Barack Obama as The Joker, Nancy Pelosi as Cruella DeVille, and Harry Reid as…Scooby Doo? WTF?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Scooby snacks are made out of fetuses.”

  1. Remember, rich Republican donors: much like the RNC thinks of you as a bunch of rubes who can be lured to part with tens of thousands of dollars for “tchochkes” and 1980s cartoon references, the GOP caucuses in the House and Senate will be more than happy to throw you under the bus to appease the teabaggers as soon as your checks clear.

    Because lets face it: you can’t look out for the Chamber of Commerce crowd when the core constituency you’re trying to reach out to thinks that the Federal Reserve is a tyrannical institution.

  2. “the GOP caucuses in the House and Senate will be more than happy to throw you under the bus to appease the teabaggers as soon as your checks clear.”

    . . . and they would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those kids!

    Sorry, Sam, you set yourself up for that one.

  3. MB: I’m more into “villainness” (ask my staff or any ex). If “villainness” is not available, I’m really more a Liz Lemon (who worked for the Bush administration one summer. Twist!).

    Side note, poorly designed sides make my soul weep. I mean, that slide is Microsoft Paint vomit. Blerg.

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