6 replies on “links for 2010-03-21”

  1. While there might have been a few fools in the bunch, the protests are representative of the way many feel about the health care bill. While there are some people that need a hand and could use help with coverage, there are many more who choose the big screen and other toys over things that are important. If our ERs weren’t full of the latter and we weren’t financing meds for a good part of the world, our insurance costs would be much more manageable. One thing no one can say and back with fact is that is that the gov’t will do better.
    I’d wager that over the next few years, there will be a fair number of Democrats looking for a job and thinking back to the good old days when they made history and got yelled at by protesters.
    The silver lining for us business owners is that we will be handing off those extra costs to the consumers. Those that can’t might seek greener pastures outside of the US.

  2. I’m astonished. First the rightwing produces an ugly, ignorant, flaky version of the left’s Dirty Fucking Hippie movement(swapping the tri-corner cap for a beret), and then the Republican Party adopts the mutant rabble!

    We may not like big government, but Americans hate being taunted by a nutty fringe. Good luck Republicans!

  3. This is why as a conservative, I do not self-identify as a tea partier. It’s too full of nutjobs.

  4. Passionate people engaging in repugnant behavior. Ugly regardless of which political party they identify with.

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