links for 2010-03-18

  • This guy is calling out websites for requiring that customers enter credit card numbers in a finicky format—dashes and spaces, that kind of thing. And good on him for it. Anybody who has been programming for more than a week and a half should be able to handle a credit card number however somebody wants to enter it. (Just do this: $ccnum =~ s/[-\s]//g;.) Having written e-commerce systems from the ground up, it just rubs me the wrong way every time I spot this.
  • The Congressional Budget Office's preliminary analysis says that the healthcare bill will cut the deficit by $138B in the next decade. That sounds good.
  • She bought a Happy Meal from McDonald's. She put it on a shelf for a year. Then, last week, she took it down and photographed it. It's basically the same. No insects ate it. No mold grew on it. That doesn't strike me as the sort of thing that anybody should eat.
  • Author Robert Darnton highlights an 18th century Parisian trend that sounds strikingly like blogging. If one were to attempt to recreate blogging on paper, now, perhaps as a joke, one would probably do it just like this.
    (tags: blog history)
  • Pollan says that you can eat all of the junk food that you want as long as you make it yourself. I've believed this for a few years now. I have ice cream, cookies, cake, chocolate bars, and caramel popcorn as often as I want, and don't feel the slightest guilt about it, because I make it all myself. The labor that's required limits the amount that I can actually consume, and the resulting product is much more healthful (or, at least, less harmful) than store-bought or from-mix stuff.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “links for 2010-03-18”

  1. Along the same lines, I’m annoyed by sites that refuse to accept an e-mail address of the form of “username+tag@address.domain” and reject it as invalid.

    It’s perfectly valid (per the appropriate RFCs), and it’s useful for sorting incoming mail (as well as determining who might be redistributing your address).

  2. The happy meal link is dead. :(

    The first ten years of the health care bill will cut the deficit because they collect money for it and give out almost nothing for the first four years. That is not an acid test.

    I do want to see health care reform but I think it hard to believe that we can cover all the uninsured and still save money. It seems like it violates physics and finance laws at the time. I don’t buy the emergency room savings will be enough to balance out full coverage of those uninsured now.It will cost more- a lot more- and I just wish somone would say that. I feel like they won’t treat us like mature adults when they discuss this serious issues.

    On a brigther note I lead the office NCAA pool after day 1, this is surely a very bad omen.

  3. And if Michael Pollan says that you can jump off a tall building and magically sprout wings and fly away before you hit the ground, then you can!

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