links for 2009-10-20

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

11 replies on “links for 2009-10-20”

  1. Regarding “Information is Beautiful: Left vs Right,” I think there’s a whole lot more style than substance there (and it reminds me of my general distaste for the one dimensional political breakdown we so often use).

    However, I was amused that the phrase “Survival of the fittest” showed up under the right’s “beliefs” heading.

  2. I think it’s a fair point that both sides seem awfully interested in interfering with people’s social lives. That’s really what social conservatism is all about.

    KC, I think that 43% figure might not be too far off, if you separate out those who support marriage from those who support civil unions.

  3. “I think it’s a fair point that both sides seem awfully interested in interfering with people’s social lives. That’s really what social conservatism is all about.”

    But that’s not what this says. Under the left, it specifically says “Interfere with [society] [social lives]” and under the right, it says “Don’t interfere with [society] [social lives].” That is, it says the left is interested in interfering with people’s social lives and the right isn’t.

    As for interfering with society, I think the right is traditionally quite interested in interfering with society, specifically to retard change (or to enact an imagined past), whereas the left interferes to support change.

    This just seems like a repetition of a lot of vague notions and caricatures about what each side stands for presented in a graphically pleasing way. The “left” in this chart is not my liberalism, though there may be some superficial resemblance.

  4. I suspect a disinterested third party (and certainly a conservative) would say that the left wants to establish new social norms, making people accept marriages between people of the same sex, teaching children in schools that they need to tolerate and even celebrate social norms that run counter to the values that their parents would choose to instill in them, undermining society’s very definition of what constitutes life, cheapening the very fabric of society.

    You and I obviously see each of those issues in a different light than as I’ve just portrayed it, but I can understand that perspectives.

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