From the Department of Unlikely Studies of Virginia Electoral History.

In response [to Sen. Creigh Deeds’ speech] McDonnell for Governor Director of Communications J. Tucker Martin noted, “That was the most backwards looking speech ever given by a Virginia gubernatorial nominee.”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “From the Department of Unlikely Studies of Virginia Electoral History.”

  1. Yo Tuck! George Bush borrowed money from China and the Saudis to float his spending, Bob McDonnell proposes to borrow money from Wall Street to pay for transportation spending. Same ol’ Borrow-and-Spend Republican fiscal policy.

    Clear enough bubba?

  2. In the era of Obama-inspired government takeovers of the auto industry and the health care industry, did Bubby seriously just decry government borrowing and spending?

    Question for ya, sport… how do YOU think Obama is paying for Cash for Clunkers? (Pssssst… I’ll give you a hint — he doesn’t have the money in his wallet.)

  3. IP: Just to keep you honest – George Bush decided to buy up the auto industry, Barack Obama simply moved to exercise his ownership rights. I could school you on the fundamental differences between our state budget (and credit mechanisms) vs. that of the national economy, but it wouldn’t suit your willfully ignorant pose.

    So to be clear, I’m a Webb Democrat – I don’t suffer the new found fiscal handwringing from the right. We’re dousing a fire, and righting the biggest economic mismanagement in American history; something that you only recently celebrated as the magic of an unregulated free market…or some other nonsense. Make yourself useful, fold some bandages, pipe down.

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