Sen. Deeds’ position in the race.

Bob Lewis wrote about Sen. Creigh Deeds’ position in the governor’s race on Saturday, and for folks who support Creigh’s candidacy, there are a couple of points to like. (Sure, it’s confirmation bias, but that’s political blogging for you.) He kept his name in the news during the legislative session much more effectively than his Democratic rivals, despite the real danger that he’d get lost in the noise of the session. And, with the sniping between Brian Moran and Terry McAuliffe’s camps, he looks like the grownup in the race:

“Those guys could launch a nuclear war against each other,” said Larry J. Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “Candidate A attacks Candidate B, Candidate B attacks Candidate A, the voters get tired of A and B and elect C. It’s happened many times.”

Sabato is speaking in the hypothetical, of course—there’s no evidence showing that this has happened, he’s just starting what has become the standard interpretation of the dynamics of this race. But, realistically, that is the path that Creigh needs to thread in order to get the nomination.

By way of reminder, I am in Creigh’s district, I have contributed to his campaign, and I intend to continue to contribute to his campaign. But I’m not on his payroll—I’e never received any money from him or his campaign—and I don’t stand to benefit personally from his nomination or election.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Sen. Deeds’ position in the race.”

  1. Man I wish we had a Borda, Condorcet, or Instant Runoff Ballot in Virginia. I could rank order my choices:


    Sadly, I will be forced to pick the one who has the best chance of beating T-Mac in the primary. Sigh.

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