A tired, happier McCain in these final days.

Elizabeth Bumiller’s profile of Mccain in the waning days of his campaign in the Times is well worth reading. She’s gotten an impressive level of access to the campaign, and it really humanizes McCain at a time when he badly needs it. Mostly, I came away thinking of McCain as an old man who is just tuckered out.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “A tired, happier McCain in these final days.”

  1. I agree about the humanizing of McCain. Much nicer than the snarky McCain. However, I disagree about the ‘old’ man comment. Though he has not run a perfect campaign he knew the odds were stacked against any Republican during this election cycle with a disgruntled electorate and an unpopular President.

    The onus is now on the Dems to do something. If not, we will likely see a resurgence of the Republican party in 4 years or maybe sooner. Obama has talked lofty ideas — it’s now the hard task of putting those words into action. Obama could be a blessing in disguise for the President.

  2. However, I disagree about the ‘old’ man comment.

    Well, maybe I was just looking for that in the article. It was the talk of his naps, “the ‘get off my lawn’ tone” cited by the author, and the fact that he knows Henny Youngman jokes (who under the age of 60 knows much more than the guy’s name?).

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