Albemarle turnout report.

Turnout here at the Stony Point precinct of Albemarle County is off the charts. Normally we’d have somewhere between zero and five people waiting when the polls open. Today it was 49, with another half dozen walking from their cars to the line at the moment that the doors opened. We had over 200 people by a little after 7:00am. The voters are considerably a) younger and b) blacker than we’ve ever seen before. It’s like a whole new precinct. It might be selection bias, but I think we’re seeing considerably more people supporting Democrats than the even split we generally observe.

Back to the polls…

12:20pm Update: As of ~an hour ago, Stony Point has broken the 50% mark for turnout. Amazing.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Albemarle turnout report.”

  1. I just finished voting at Brownsville Elementary in Crozet, and I have never seen such turnout. This was my first time voting there, but from the comments of the people in line with me and the poll workers, this is unusually high turnout.

    I was number 436 in the P-S line, and at least another 60 people had come in behind me before I left. I was impressed by how quickly the poll workers were able to process the high volume of voters.

    The high turnout was inspiring…would be great if the trend towards greater participation in our process continues!

  2. The count for the day was over 600 at Free Union when I voted just before noon. I waited in a short (3 or 4 minute) line. Luckily, there’s quite a bit of space inside the Free Union Baptist Church for a long line — out of the rain — should the need arise.

  3. It might be selection bias, but I think we’re seeing considerably more people supporting Democrats than the even split we generally observe.

    Ya think? ;-)

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