McCain’s vetting process fails him again.

“Joe the Plumber”—the guy whose potential vote McCain tried to make emblematic last night over the issue of paying taxes—is a) not a licensed plumber b) not registered to vote is presumably guilty of registration fraud (by the prevailing Republican logic) and c) being sued by Ohio for not paying his taxes.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “McCain’s vetting process fails him again.”

  1. Waldo, you’re just another pinko commie, I bet you think paying your taxes is patriotic!

    I mean obviously the inverse is true.

    I mean that other guy voted against funding the troops or something, right?

    I think its a patriot’s duty to refuse to pay taxes so there’s no money to even attempt to fund the troops!

    Anything else would be socalism!

  2. They’re going to town on him in a few places. That always makes me a little queasy (having had that happen to me, on a much smaller scale, and a friend, on national scale), but if what they’re finding turns out to be true, it will be beyond funny.

  3. Joe’s contribution to this race was to get Obama to slip up and admit his primary goal: “spread the wealth around.” (AKA, take as much money as possible from people he thinks have too much, and give it to whoever the hell he feels like… for example, his ACORN buddies.)

  4. He is registered to vote and is a registered Republican.

    A big part of me feels like everyone should just leave this guy alone. A Presidential candidate randomly showed up and he took the opportunity to ask what amounted to a hypothetical question. Dude did not ask for any of this public exposure. He never put himself out there as any sort of expert on tax policy. It wasn’t fair for McCain to drag this guy into the spotlight without getting his ok first and it’s not fair for Democrats to go picking the guy’s life apart.

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