Black and white dreams.

I’ve heard people talk about dreaming in black and white, but I’ve never experienced it. The few times that I’ve asked friends about this, they’d had the same (in)experience. It turns out that there’s a good reason: only people who grew up watching black and white TV have such dreams. None of this explains why I don’t dream in MCGA. (Via Slashdot)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Black and white dreams.”

  1. Interesting. I’m not quite that old, but my family didn’t get around to getting a color TV until the early 70’s. (We watched “The Wizard of Oz” every year when I was a kid, and it wasn’t until I saw it in college that I saw it in color and understood why so much time is spent on Dorothy gawking at the landscape when she lands in Oz.)

    I wasn’t sure for a long time whether I dreamed in color. I had dreams where *knew* something was a particular color, but I couldn’t say for sure whether I saw the color or if it was just like encountering someone in a dream that you “know” in a dream, but who isn’t actually anyone real. Later, I definitely dreamed in color, so I may have actually been on the edge of experiencing this phenomenon.

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