Top Republicans hemming and hawing on Gilmore.

Jim Gilmore, one week after his nomination for U.S. Senate, is having a bit of trouble gaining support from his party’s top men in Virginia. The Hill reported on Wednesday evening that Sen. John Warner and Rep. Tom Davis are both unwilling to endorse Gilmore. Sen. Warner’s refusal to endorse Gilmore would be pretty stunning if it wasn’t so predictable — a U.S. Senator not endorsing his party’s nominated successor has got to be pretty unusual. Davis even offered a parting barb: “Jim needs to do outreach. Jim doesn’t talk to anybody.” Ouch.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “Top Republicans hemming and hawing on Gilmore.”

  1. This news is a few days old, but between having no power for a day and now being two days into a four-day beach vacation, I’m just catching up. Unfortunately, I forgot my USB/mini-USB cable, so I can’t blog any of the photos I’m taking.

  2. Warner’s lack of support is definitely no surprise- an outgoing Senator who proposes a hike in the tax on gasoline and other forms of energy is most certainly the ideological opposite of the former Governor who cut the car tax.
    I wonder if Warner would be seeking such legislation if he were planning to run again.

  3. Though, Tom, your comments are precisely in line with my forecast:

    There will be calls for party purification and declarations of war on the incumbents supporting Warner. It will be enormously ugly. As they always, always do, Virginia Republicans will manage to drive the most sensible, electable Republicans out of the party, leaving them with an ever-shrinking group of ideologues who are still willing to sign whatever pledge is necessary to show that they’ll toe the party line.

    The prevailing logic in the RPV is that no tax increase is ever acceptable under any circumstances. But it’s a fact — a fact long understood by even the most conservative Republicans in this nation, prior to 2001 — that sometimes taxes need to be increased. As Republicans recognize that we need a carbon tax, that we need to find some way to find the hundreds of billions necessary to fix transportation in this state, etc., they’re going to be drummed out of the party by folks saying precisely what you’re saying. But that won’t make Virginia Republicans stronger, it’ll just make them an ideologically pure group that will gain the support of 35-40% of the state’s population in each election.

  4. I would argue that a majority of Virginians- not just Republicans- will steer clear of a politician who was pushing for a tax increase on energy. When I heard about the legislation, it was presented with very little explanation; as I looked into it a bit more deeply, I recognized it as the type of legislation that would be needed to help turn this country in a different direction. I don’t dare get into discussions here about the whole global warming issue; even if there was no warming issue, such a tax might be the only way to force the population to make a massive change in the way we use our resources. The problem with such legislation is that it will have an immediate adverse affect on all people- poor and rich- and the average selfish American will not be so willing to change. That isn’t a party problem, it’s an American problem!
    The next 5 months are going to be very interesting.

  5. It’s certainly interesting how you define “stearing clear,” Waldo. A maximum or near-maximum contribution under Federal law seems inconsistent with your premise

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