“I insist that veterans support all wars, all the time.”

From the Making Shit Up™ department, the chair of the Albemarle Republicans declares that veterans who are opposed to the war in Iraq are “hypocritical,” conflates the war in Iraq with the war on terror, and bizarrely claims that the war in Iraq is necessary to make freedom of speech possible in the U.S. Is it any wonder that Republicans have fled the county party in droves?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

7 replies on ““I insist that veterans support all wars, all the time.””

  1. Here’s what I want for Christmas: A conversation between Waldo and the Albemarle Republican party chair, Keith Drake, regarding Drake’s comments in the Progress today. I want the conversation recorded and available as a podcast. (Please, please! I’ve been good.)

  2. I found it interesting that the reporter even found it necessary to a story on the creation of the Charlottesville Veterans for Peace that he contact the chair of the Albemarle Republican Party for comment. Apparently, a news story about peace isn’t balanced without somebody opposed. And, who could he count on to be opposed to veterans working for peace? Keith Drake, the Republican chair. Yup, when you need an anti-peace spokesman, he’s your go-to guy.

  3. You know that I support the current policy in the Middle East, am an uabashed Republican, and a veteran…but veterans who are opposed to the war are “hypocritical?” Good Lord! Note to Mr. Drake — words matter and our party has room for a variety of views…not just yours.

  4. “I’d rather see somebody out there expressing their opinion than sitting at home complaining,” [Drake] said.

    Mr. Drake’s opinion about the VFP being hypocritical is off-base, in my opinion. I like, however, his opinion about protestors sharing their opinions. Ahhhh… the freedom of opinions.

    So, which of Mr. Drake’s opinions amounts to “shit” that he made up? Seems to me that the Making Shit Up™ department should be comprised of supposed facts.

  5. Drake said the war in Iraq helps maintain freedom of speech.

    Hmmm… Is that a fact? It seems to be presented as fact.

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