19 replies on “A real honest-to-God flat-earther.”

  1. Good! This is obviously a contested issue, and we should really be teaching the controversy.

    (I swear, I really wish she’d proclaimed it was turtles all the way down.)

  2. Evolution? Flat Earth? Is this a TV show or the oral portion of the Bush Administration vetting process. She does resemble Monica Goodling if ya squint

  3. Is that the girl on The View that Barry Manilow can’t Cope-a with b/c of her sinister, conservative outlook?

  4. They all sound like idiots. Whoopie Goldberg isn’t making much sense either, when you parse much of what she is saying. She just happens to be supporting a view most of us agree with. Yet she is supporting it largely with nonsense. Like her suggestion that the roundness of the Earth somehow supports the theory of evolution. I know that evolution is real and I know that the Earth is round but her logic is still BS.

    I fail to see the value of this television show.

  5. Maybe when Democrats disabuse themselves of “facts” like the CIA introducing the AIDS virus into American cities or Bush & Rumsfeld plotting 9/11 together we can talk about the kooky beliefs of some Republicans.

  6. Inre Whoopi, I don’t watch the show, but one possible connection between evolution and the fact that the earth is not flat could be that if it were flat, we all would have fallen off long before we could evolve…..:).

  7. If we were to define the Republican Party by their crackpots, like you have defined our Party by ours, Smails, oh, what fun we could have!

  8. Fair enough, Dan. I concede the point.

    However, to me anyway, it often seems my Democratic friends are too willing to find fault with their own country (or at least their own country’s government) rather than than cast the blame elsewhere where it legitimately belongs.

    For example, take last week’s Gen. Petreaus report to Congress. Democrats in Congress seemed disappointed that the US appears to be making progress in Anbar, etc. What’s up with that? MoveOn might not represent the whole of the Dem Party, but they were definitely pissed at Patraeus at took out an ad in the NYT calling him a traitor (which their friends in the media gave them for half-price, but that’s another argument altogether).

    Just seems like the left’s allegiance is more to appeasing our enemies and strengthening the wretched UN (where Cuba, Sudan, etc run the Human Rights Council) than it is to Uncle Sam.

  9. What I can’t figure out is why do the people producing “the View” feel like they need “a fat black woman” as one of their characters? That would mean “Star Jones'” single sin was losing weight.

    Really though, I feel like my I.Q. dropped 75 points just from having watched that clip. It’s just more daytime tripe that lets bored housewives feel like they’ve spent some time listening to engaging intellectual conversation.

  10. The “left’s allegiance” is to critical thinking and practicality. I understand why that is so scary for you. It’s hard to compete in a world for which you’re unprepared.

  11. Geez, lay off the Judge. The guy gets ragged on more than, well, everybody, but keeps making points. Some seem to be purely party driven, but so are some of the left driven comments that drive him nuts.

    That said, JS, your 7:24 comment is pretty broad-stroke like – I know very few Democrats who believe any of that. If any. Really — c’mon.

    More importantly, though, liberals in general (at least the ones I know and talk to) do NOT hold allegiance to “appeasing our enemies” — quite the opposite. In calling our administration’s policies into question many feel they are actually holding allegiance to the Constitution, our nation’s foundation and history, and by definition are strengthening OUR country. We cannot simply defend the US administration because it is the “US” in front of the “administration” – we must hold it accountable to the same standards we say we hold everyone else to.

    I do not think liberals find fault with their country (and you at the least seem to admit that), but with the way our country is being used to further a faulty and harmful vision – a vision that is harmful to our country. Many of us who dispute the administration’s account of the world feel that we are actually defending our country. Particularly it’s moral and ethical compass and legitimacy. And it’s history and philosophy.

    And I do not think that MoveOn represents the Democratic Party at all – they represent MoveOn only.

  12. Judge Smails,

    You’re missing the bigger issue by getting off into the weeds there and bashing the liberal fringe. We need to stop being divided and work together in a bipartisan way against the common enemy. That enemy being ‘The View.’

  13. Elizabeth Hasselbeck is to The View as Judge Smails is to this place, I think.

    i.e., if Elizabeth wasn’t present, the rest of the ladies wouldn’t have anything to talk about.

    Way to keep ’em chatting, Judge. :)

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