Mitt Romney spent $300 on makeup.

I wonder if the same Republicans who claimed to be outraged that Sen. Edwards spent $400 on a haircut are outraged that Mitt Romney spent $300 in campaign money on “a mobile beauty team” to put makeup on him. I certainly don’t care — all candidates need makeup before they go on camera — but I look forward to seeing the excuses made up by these same Republicans about why the two mini-scandals have nothing in common.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

27 replies on “Mitt Romney spent $300 on makeup.”

  1. It won’t come up because no one on the Dems side can keep a straight face while mustering false outrage about it. For me, that’s a moral plus, even if it’s a tactical failure.

  2. The problem is that despite all the claims of media leftism, there just isn’t someone like John Solomon at the WPost who will keep churning out stories on this. Solomon is STILL publishing stories on Edwards’ hair care: he just had a profile of Edwards’ hairdresser two weeks ago for goodness sakes!

    How that guy passes himself off as a reporter instead of an editorialist is beyond me.

  3. That’s what’s so funny Waldo – the video of Edwards set to music. C’mon, you’d be laughing your ass off it were Romney or any other GOP candidate similarly ridiculed on YouTube. Given the minor tempest this has stirred up, however, it’s unlikely any candidate of either party is going to allow his hair/make-up to be videotaped.

  4. C’mon, you’d be laughing your ass off it were Romney or any other GOP candidate similarly ridiculed on YouTube.

    I wouldn’t, but only because it’s not my kind of humor, not out of any higher reason. We need more humor in politics. :)

  5. Expecting consistency from people who have no sense of honesty is a fools errand.

  6. Anyone who was outraged over Edwards spending $400 of his own campaign money on a hairdo needs to get a life. It’s his money — he can spend it however he wants. We’re free to mock him, though. How vain does a (straight) man have to be to thnk that a $20 or $30 haircut isn’t good enough for them?

    And if it turns out that it’s highly unusual for a presidential candidate to spend that kind of money on makeup, then Romney deserves similar ridicule.

    Is it too much to ask for just ONE candidate – from either side – who isn’t a girly man? Gilmore was too marginal to count, and he’s gone now anyway. I hope Fred announces soon, or I might be writing in Cornelia Johnson again.

  7. “Expecting consistency from people who have no sense of honesty is a fools errand.”

    Could you please stop impugning the motives/values of the entire Republican Party. I’d much prefer to be called a fool, a dupe, even an imperialist running dog than to be ajudged bereft of honesty and malevonlently evil on the basis of political differences. Not sure if that would exactlty heighten the discourse, but you’d be doing me a favor.

  8. How vain does a (straight) man have to be to think that a $20 or $30 haircut isn’t good enough for them?


  9. Cornelia is the toughest lady I ever had the pleasure to know, and I’m proud to say, with a high degree of confidence, that I was the first person to ever cast a ballot for her for sheriff — 10 years before she ran for the office.

    America needs an honest, straight-shooting, ass-kicking candidate to get behind, and I’d vote for Ms. Johnson over anybody in the current field.

  10. How vain does a (straight) man have to be to thnk that a $20 or $30 haircut isn’t good enough for them?

    What kind of fancy-pants barber shop would you have to go to to spend $20 or $30 for a haircut? I was a bit upset when my barber increased his price to $12.

  11. I agree, and was trying to give Mr. Edwards some wiggle room. I was recently compelled to pay $18 at Sportclips when my barbershop was swamped and I had to get my mop cut that day. So 20 to 30 bucks allows for some non-barbershop, non foo-foo haircuts.

  12. Cornelia is the toughest lady I ever had the pleasure to know, and I’m proud to say, with a high degree of confidence, that I was the first person to ever cast a ballot for her for sheriff — 10 years before she ran for the office.

    She’s a one-woman success story in the matter of community policing. Kids downtown really respected her, and were proud to have her keeping tabs on them. She’d ask how they were doing in school, why they were out so late, etc., and I saw her make a difference in some of my friends’ lives just like that.

    I was a bit upset when my barber increased his price to $12.

    Mine’s $13 now, at Staples. I’m not complaining, but it was $7 when I was a kid.

  13. You get your haircut at an office supply store?


    And Smails, while you may have a decent point as wrt individuals here, your GOP has brought dishonesty in politics and policy to a new level. You want to associate with them, you’ve got to learn to live with it coloring others’ views of you.

    This is the hardest thing that every decent Republican I know has to deal with.

  14. And Smails, if you’re feeling defensive when someone suggest OTHER Republicans are dishonest, then maybe you should look more closely at yourself.

  15. I wish this post had the effect of highlighting just how much BS, smoke and mirrors goes into the political process…on both sides of the fence.

    Its not about haircuts and makeup…its the fact that most of it is a show. Which is a nicer word for ‘not real’, rehearsed, etc…many would say outright fake. We watch a really long movie, were everyone plays the part they think we want them to play, then we vote.

    Funny thing is, we are bitching about an expectation that is set by us. We expect the politicians to be well groomed and dressed. If Edwards or Romney showed up with a 3-day growth, a SuperCuts doo, wearing a Jimmy Buffet concert-T and flip flops…most if not all would be talking about it….negatively.

    Yet, we are nailing both sides about $400 buck haircuts or $300 buck mobile Mary Kay teams, and somehow failing to mention the $2000 dollar suits both parties are wearing (or the several hundred dollar shoes).

    Oh Smails, sorry but your impassioned Rodney King plea just falls short. If anyone has been guilty of hay-baling the left, it is you old chap. I wont bother to include links to some of your posts, as there are many and they are easy to find. Also, I only remember one post in the couple years I have been a visitor here, where some one pulled an outright Dick Cheney…and that person was you. (I believe your two word response to someone questioning your statements was ‘Fuck You’).

    Like I said before, its always interesting to watch the patina crack…..

  16. “Rodney King plea.” That’s actually funny. The problem that the broad Left has is its general lack of humor. You take everything so goddamn seriously. Since I don’t agree with you I must be the devil. Well.

    I think it was Orwell who noted how only firm belief in ideology makes possible the worst of crimes by man against man. We all want the same thing for America, don’t we? Roughly put, I’d call it “the best for the most.” We just have different ideas of how to get there.

    As for your j’accuse, I have no memory of doing that (although I guess it’s possible I coulda had a few in me.) In any event, I stand by my plea for some of y’all to tone it down down a bit.

  17. Im sorry your struggling with realizations about your party. Interesting to see a proud Repub bristle at being associated with some of the criminal gymnastics of the party. Its painful to see cracks in something one believes in, what can be crushing is the moment you privately admit to yourself that you may have been duped, or simply lied to.

    That is something that Im sure has occurred in Republican households across the country. (At least the ones where some semblance of original thought and discourse existed at some point.)

    You know what it will take for me to cut the Repubs some slack. Call for your leaders to testify. Under Oath. If they are such fine conservative, godly men and women…what could they have to fear? Executive Imprisonment? Clinton was impeached because he lied…under oath…key point here is his ass was in the chair and his hand was on the bible.

    Your leadership wont let anyone testify under oath because both a lie or the truth will cause their downfall. The left is pissed because you guys know this too, yet you do nothing but toe the line.

    You dropped Orwell, I will leave you with Burke: All that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

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