Rep. Goode is running a poll.

Lloyd Snook received a polling call on behalf of Rep. Virgil Goode, and the questions are really pretty interesting. It looks like he’s putting together a reelection plan beyond anything he’s ever done. (Which isn’t saying a whole lot.) 2008 is going to be a very bad year to be a Republican incumbent in Congress.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Rep. Goode is running a poll.”

  1. Snook is making a huge leap to say this poll is being done by Goode. The questions described look like opposition research as much as anything else and could easily be the work of the DNC or the DNCC.

  2. Although I disagree that it’s certain that “2008 is going to be a very bad year to be a Republican incumbent in Congress,” I will grant you things don’t look great right now. However, the election is in 15 months. You’d be on firmer ground were it sooner.

    Incidentally, heard our own L. Sabato on some national radio program recently speculating that if Hillary wins the presidency it will be important for Democrats to “run up the score” in Congress since they’d likely lose big in the 2010 off year elections.

    Some people think I a lot further ahead than I do.

  3. That is interesting Judge.

    He is most likely right, being that the Rs will run a very highly motivated scorched earth guerilla war against her Presidency.

    Why I don’t want her to be our nominee.

    Also, I completely disagree with “listener”.

    “if the “fact” that Virgil had called for a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq would make me more likely to vote for him.”

    Sounds like a “push poll” type of thing trying to access his potential strengths in a liberal region

  4. The questions described look like opposition research as much as anything else and could easily be the work of the DNC or the DNCC.

    Though that would be great, the DNC and the DCCC have never, ever put a dime into races against Goode. (It’s not really the DNC’s role.) The DCCC’s attitude with House races is that they won’t give a candidate the time of day until s/he’s raised enough money to run a poll, run that poll, and has results that shows that it’s possible to win. It would represent a stunning reversal if the DCCC were running this poll, and indicate that the party was preparing to target this race, something they’ve never even considered before.

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