Appalachian anniversary the eleventh.

Eleven years ago today I started my hike of the Appalachian Trail at Springer Mountain, Georgia. That was the day that I wrote my first blog entry. Today I celebrated by digging up the notebook that served as my trail journal in Maine after it got too cold for a computer to work and transcribed those entries. I looked back on this last year, too.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Appalachian anniversary the eleventh.”

  1. “… a fog thick as dryer lint…” (from your April 19th entry)

    I love that.

    Reading too much on my computer screen gives me a headache. I would love to read your trail journal in book form.

  2. I have to say that it was a lot of fun to browse around your old web page, Waldo. But frames, Waldo – frames?!?! *sigh* I guess we’ve all made that mistake at some point. And I have to say, I was sad you disallowed “ia_archiver” in your robots.txt. I was looking forward to seeing more of your site. :)

  3. The site is from 1996 — it was an enormously different internet. HTML 2.0 was merely a proposed standard. Tables were experimental. There was no way to flow text around images. Few web servers (including the one that the site was hosted on) had anything like includes, so the only way to have a calendar on every page was with frames, or to update every page on the site by hand every day to add links to the latest entry.

  4. Heh, I know – didn’t mean to offend. The server Charlottesville High School uses doesn’t support Perl, and just recently started using PHP – I’d been getting to the point where I would have offered to let the school host their site on my own web hosting account.

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