Coverage of Goode on blogs spikes again.

Rep. Virgil Goode is back on top of the blogosphere. At this moment, I believe it may be fair to call him the nation’s most unpopular congressman.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “Coverage of Goode on blogs spikes again.”

  1. I have to wonder what “Jessie Helms'” popularity ratings were like. I also want to say it again- “Virgil Goode- A Jessie Helms for the New Millennium.”

  2. He’s in big trouble next November! Because Al Weed is gonna get in there and clean his clock with another 39% election.

    Oh wait, I mean Meredith Richards and her 40-odd percent is gonna wipe the floor with Virgil. Yeah. Or, um, that Shropshire guy with the cheap shoes? Bern Ewert some day if he ever gets his finance reports straightened out?

    A stray piece of space junk crashing to Earth? Spontaneous combustion?

  3. Yup — what the rest of the nation thinks of him is functionally irrelevant. It’s what the voting population of his district thinks of him that matters.

    Of course, to the extent to which his peers in Congress also dislike him intensely now could significantly impact his effectiveness as a legislator. It’s bad enough for the district that our representative is in the minority; having a representative that’s reviled doesn’t help.

  4. “Congressman Goode, this is Toyota Motor Corporation president Katsuaki Watanabe, he wants to talk to you about your views on “immigrants” before he agrees to look at plant sites in the district.”

  5. Bubby highlights the huge and sad disadvantage that we are know burden with . . . having Virgil as our representative.

    And it will hurt Southside the most.

    Also, I wonder what Virgil thinks about the rumoured new nomination for UN Envoy?

    This time the muslim is a Republican . . . will Virgil’s head explode?

  6. Standing too close to a guy who wants a big bulls-eye on his chest, such as Virgil Goode has become, is something many will no doubt choose to avoid. It’s not just a matter of politics. He is deliberately being provocative in dark ways that could flush out all sorts of trouble down the road.

    He’s playing with fire. I’m glad he doesn’t have an office in my neighborhood.

  7. Terry,

    He is deliberately being provocative in dark ways that could flush out all sorts of trouble down the road.

    Do you think people will now be flushed out of the woodwork, so to speak, to tell their tales about Virgil?

    Kind of like what happened to George Allen?

    Virgil is going somewhere with this. He is either trying to self-destruct, or already knows he won’t run next time, and is getting it all said now.

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