The curse of oil.

Yesterday a ruptured oil pipeline in Nigeria exploded, killing 265 people. In the latest Virginia Quarterly Review, due out next week, we have an awesome article by John Ghazvinian explaining how this happened — why people tap into pipelines, what’s done with the oil, and why it’s so dangerous. We’ve made the piece available to non-subscribers, because it’s just so darned timely.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “The curse of oil.”

  1. and add the issue of the underwater pipeline in the Gulf that got ruptured when a ship dropped its anchor 90 feet right on top of it,creating a massive oil slick.

    Of course, there is no equivalent of “Miss Utility” for dropping anchors, but now maybe there needs to be?

  2. Big Oil in poor countries has been “disastrous” for the people living in that country (except for small number of corrupt elites who get paid off to see that a national resource–oil is privatized for “peanuts.”

    This is a major reason why Hugo Chsavez and Evo Morales are heros in their country. They are willing to stand up to the corrupt money makers (at the risk of their own lives) for their people’s best interests.

    Nice Article….Buzz…

    Teacher Ken…LOL…I noted that article and reminded Virginia Beach that drilling off the coast is not in our best interests….that resource is going at less than market value also…and it threatens the environment…Buzz

  3. National Geographic News has a stunning photo from the aftermath. It shows a man standing in the rubble, seeming oblivious to what appear to be coals under his sandals. He holds a bright blue bucket with water, which he using to wash the soot from his face. Around him is scorched metal and ash, all that remains of houses and cars. The sky and background are a surreal haze of thick smoke and shattered structural columns, with a lone, twisted tree silhouetted against the daylight that creeps in beneath the black clouds.

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