Do it for the polar bears.

The Bush administration has admitted that global climate change exists, and represents a real danger. Next up: they’ll reluctantly acknowledge electromagnetism.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Do it for the polar bears.”

  1. See, when we talk about lobbying reform, the polar bear lobby is never considered. Different groups have Lobby Days, why not Polar Bear Lobby Day? It’s blatant anti-Ursidae bias. Lawmakers could listen to the arguments on why climate change is destroying the bears’ habitat, and if someone like, say, Sen. Inhofe started spouting off about how global warming is made up by the liberal media, he’d get mauled. And really, who’d have a problem with that?

  2. I do think they know ‘the internets’ are here by now.

    Remember the meme that went around about GHWB? He was in a grocery store and had never seen a scanner or something like that. Meaning of course, that he was way out of touch.

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