5 replies on “It’s time to leave Iraq.”

  1. Well, it’s time to round up the usual suspects. Somebody has to be to blame for this:
    1) Bill Clinton
    2) The Today Show
    3) Hillary
    4) The Iraqis
    5) Eric Shinseki
    6) Walter Cronkite
    7) Markos Moulitsas Zúniga
    8) Michael Moore
    9) The troops
    99) Dubya

  2. Governing by Dubya is THE BIGGEST DISASTER in U.S. history….probably forever in US History.

    Jim Webb definitely has a spine along with a few others….


  3. It’s not consensus, it’s Dad. H.W. can’t abide the stain of his son’s Middle East disaster. He wants the flag out of Baghdad before the collapse. Better to work through hired hands that speak the local lingo. But make no mistake, the disaster has already occurred. This is triage.

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