The Allen witnesses keep rolling in.

Bob Gibson reports on two more witnesses to Sen. Allen’s extremely frequent use of the slur “n****r”, bringing us to at least a dozen people now. I assumed that, while I vacationed this past week, Sen. Allen would stop claiming that he has never uttered the word in his entire life. It’s lunacy for him to lie like this and shine a spotlight on his character. The light is not flattering.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “The Allen witnesses keep rolling in.”

  1. From Gibson’s column:

    “Shelton said Allen showed disrespect to UVa and the school’s mostly black cleaning staff by walking down the hallways of Newcomb Hall as a student and spitting tobacco juice “on the floors in the hallway and on the walls.”’

    What a pig.

  2. So are you saying that the couple dozen people who have stated that Senator Allen never uses that word are to be entirely disregarded?

    Regardless of whether he does or does not, there will be well over a dozen people in this whole thing guilty of lying.

  3. How can anyone say Allen never used or uses the N-word? They can say they’ve never HEARD him use it, but not that he’s never used it. Lord, I hope Allen loses. What a powerful message of hope that would send to those of us who really do have family values … you know, ones like honesty, kindness and humility.

  4. Yeah, what “saywhat??” said.

    Allen’s claim that he has never uttered the word in question, in the entirety of his duration on this planet, is simply ludicrous. I can’t believe for a minute that Allen’s most ardent supporters actually believe his claim. It’s crazy.

  5. “So are you saying that the couple dozen people who have stated that Senator Allen never uses that word are to be entirely disregarded? ”

    CR UVa- Are you religious? Because you sure are taking a leap of faith on this one.

    I’m going to parse your words here. You said “uses”. I’m sure Senator Allen does not use the word as of right now. He probably hasn’t used it in the last five years or so…maybe. But I’m sure that a younger Allen “used” the word as it seems it was in his everyday vocabulary.

    I’m also going to point out that the few people that have come into Allen’s defense all have a stake in Allen winning.

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