3 replies on “The British see us as we are. News at 11.”

  1. [A] majority of the Britons questions described Americans as uncaring, divided by class, awash in violent crime, vulgar, preoccupied with money, ignorant of the outside world, racially divided, uncultured and in the most overwhelming result (90 percent of respondents) dominated by big business.

    Call it what you like, they’re clearly not fond of us. :)

    Since 2001 we’ve managed to skate by collectively with the understanding that most people around the world seem to understand that while our government keeps doing staggering stupid things, that’s different than us as individual Americans. But once we reelected Bush, I believe that free ride started to shut down. I’d be quite surprised if we could make it to 2008 without world opinion moving beyond hating the U.S. government (as it seems most nations do at this point) to hating us as individuals for letting this government continue to behave as it does.

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