2 replies on “QandO on eavesdropping.”

  1. I like this quote in a follow up article that USA Today wrote on the subject. It’s from the director of UVA’s Center for National Security Law, Robert Turner. And it’s clear from his quote that he has not read initial USA today article that put the controversy in the public spotlight.

    “If all they’re doing is have a computer program anonymously select people who are making phone calls to known terrorists or something like that, I don’t see a problem,” said Robert Turner, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for National Security Law. “That’s not comparable to going into our bedrooms or even listening to our conversations. The goal of stopping terrorist attacks is the greatest of our national interests.”

    No Mr. Turner that’s not what they’re doing. According to the USA Today articles it’s every customer served by those phone companies. Every customer, except of course Qwest who had the backbone to stand up to the NSA and insist they provide warrents.

    The articles are very interesting reading. At this rate of continuing scandal George is pretty much giftwrapping congress for the Dem’s come this November (and it will be a welcome change).

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