Marriage amendment protest song.

Charlottesville’s Brady Earnhart is one of the most talented songwriters and musicians that I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. The last time that I found cause to mention that was three years ago this weekend, when Freyda Epstein died. His debut album, After You, will forever be one of my favorite albums. In fact, I listened to the whole thing just today.

Brady’s not in the habit of writing protest songs — he’s not even particularly political — but with this Marshall/Newman anti-marriage amendment, he’s clearly had enough. So he’s written and recorded an ironic protest song, “Thank God Virginia’s on Our Side,”

      available for download
. I understand this is just a rough version, and that a proper mix will be available next week.

It’s a good song. I’ve probably listened to it a half dozen times today. But I have to wonder if it represents something larger, a bubbling-over of emotion, a political awakening for people who thought that in Virginia they wouldn’t have to worry about this sort of thing. People who live in liberal bubbles like Charlottesville or Northern Virginia tend to figure they’re immune from undesirable government interference, that there’s no need to keep up with the General Assembly, because it’s not like it would ever affect them.

I suspect we’ll find out come November 7.

(Via Cory Capron)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “Marriage amendment protest song.”

  1. Damn, this is one catchy song — and really powerful lyrics. I was so taken by the lyrics that I started typing as I was listening, and I think I’ve gotten most of them down after listening 3 times. Here’s what I got:

    The theme of my talk tonight
    Is one knot people ain’t meant to tie
    Ya’ll don’t just sit there blinkin’
    I’m only sayin what you all are thinkin’

    Cuz what’s the world comin’ to
    When gays wanna marry like people do?
    Want a cultural World War Three?
    It’s a sodomite WMD!

    Thank God Virginia’s on our side
    Thank God Virginia’s on our side
    Thank God her blessing’s on the right of the people to say what’s wrong
    We want the state safe for believers

    Good people of my Piedmont town
    You’re having trouble seein’ which way is down
    Once Jack gives Sam a ring
    How’s mine gonna mean a thing?

    So comin’ to a vote this fall
    Is God’s own amendment to help us all
    Stay married for as long as we live
    Or find a hottie we can run off with

    Thank God Virginia’s on our side
    Thank God Virginia’s on our side
    Thank God her blessing’s on the right of the people to say who’s wrong
    Keep one state safe for believers

    What’s more, friends, if you are fast
    We’ll throw in free with each vote you cast
    A special bonus anyone can find
    If you read in between the lines

    Say you want to pick a fight
    With someone who’s looks you just don’t like
    Here’s just the thing to remind you
    Got the spirit of the law behind you

    Spirit of the law’s in the courthouse
    Spirit of the law’s in the churchyard
    Spirit of the law’s on the sidewalk
    Spirit of the law’s in the hiring line
    Spirit of the law’s in the bedroom
    Spirit of the law’s in the barracks
    Spirit of the law’s in the pool hall
    Spirit of the law’s in the punch line
    Spirit of the law’s in the tire iron
    Spirit of the law’s on the playground

    Like last week a call comes in
    Denny’s in detention today again
    For beatin’ up some sissy kid
    Third time since his Mama’s split

    He told me all about it tonight
    And I tried hard to hide my pride
    Says “Daddy it was not my fault
    Shoulda seen him tryin’ to throw a ball”

    Thank God Virginia’s on our side
    Thank God Virginia’s on our side
    Thank God her blessing’s on the right of the right to say you’re wrong
    Keep one state straight for believers

    Thank God Virginia’s on our side
    Thank God Virginia’s on our side

  2. that should be – “With someone whose looks you just don’t like”

    Catchy tune. Interesting that people who support the amendment are lumped in with homophobic criminals. After You was a far better effort.

  3. You know, if that amendment actually passes then the elected democrats holding state office need to pass a bill that will change the Virginia motto to read: “Virginia is for heterosexual Lovers.”

  4. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that the existing law against same-sex marriage, passed during the 2004 session, is no better than the amendment. It’s just that it’ll be much easier to reverse than the amendment.

    The purpose of the amendment is 99.9% electoral — to bring out the fundamentalist voters who were a big part of Republican success in November 2004. The RNC held workshops on using anti-gay-marriage ballot initiatives for just that purpose during the 2004 cycle.

  5. Thanks, Waldo (and Cory), for linking me with your readers, & thanks to the rest of you for listening.

    At the risk of sounding defensive, I want to offer an alternative to I.Publius’s notion that in my song, “people who support the amendment are lumped in with homophobic criminals.” From where I sit, the song is not so interested in the amendment’s (who knows?–perhaps often good-hearted) supporters as it is in the chilling effect the amendment will have on relations between gay and non-gay people. The encouragement a bigot takes from us-versus-them, hot-button legal maneuvers like this one is constrained not a whit by the lofty rhetoric that’s used to sell them to the voting public. Any decent folk who are now in favor of the amendment ought to be aware of the toxicity that will seep out of it down the road.

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