5 things I’ve learned in the past 24 hours.

  1. Projectile vomiting, while horrible, is pretty spectacular.
  2. I must never, ever take Vicodin again.
  3. Theraflu is both a vile concoction and quite effective.
  4. “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is either much better or a great deal worse when totally wasted on narcotics. I won’t know which unless I see it again.
  5. Flu is made significantly more bearable by being married.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

13 replies on “5 things I’ve learned in the past 24 hours.”

  1. Never take Vicodin again? I once had a pencil stabbed through my foot, and the only good thing about it was the two-week supply of pain-killers I got.

    You think “Eternal Sunshine” is different when on drugs? I watched “AI: Artificial Intelligence” on narcoitcs during the foot ordeal, and thought it was brilliant. I watched it on pure air, and thought it was total crap. That DVD went from being the most deep and intense movie of all time to being something I would use for target practice at a shooting range.

  2. you’re missing out.. alca-seltzer plus cold and flu.. tablets added to water – not the gel caps… it will make noticable a difference. And keep an eye on the antihistamine levels.. they make a difference too.

    Either way, get well soon!

  3. Being the owner of said Sunshine DVD, my opinion is obvious.

    Just be happy I didn’t send you my David Lynch and Dario Argento collections. :)

    The more I think about it, now might be a good (or very, very bad) time to watch The Exorcist.

    Take it easy.

  4. Waldo — Have you reflected on what sins you have committed to bring this upon you? Do the other readers of this blog have some clues? Jerry and I want to know.

    Love, Pat Robertson

  5. You’re still newlyweds, Waldo. Get back to me on #5 after a few years.

    Everybody in my family suffered through #1 this weekend. I may have avoided it by being out of town. Good thing, too. Something about the smell of American cheese…..

  6. I totally agree with you about number 5. And flu is not the only thing made more bearable. Coming off a weekend full of experiences that reminded me of all the blessings for which I am so grateful, I must say that a loving and supporting spouse helps make most things more bearable. I hope you are feelin’ better soon! :-)

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