Great moments in Allen-speak.

Sen. George Allen, Los Angeles born and raised, tells an Iowa audience that he wished he’d been born there. My, how quickly he’s forgotten to pretend that he’s a Virginia cowboy.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Great moments in Allen-speak.”

  1. Oh Iowa, by George Allen
    *sung to the tune of “O Shenandoah”*

    Oh Iowa, I wish I was born here. Oh you are much better than Virginia
    Oh Iowa, I wish I was born here
    Away, I’m bound away, until you elect me.

    O Iowa I love your voters, you are much better than Virginia.
    Oh Iowa I love your voters.
    Away, I’m bound away, until you elect me.

    For six long years I’ve been stuck in the Senate, oh you are much better than Virginia.
    Six long years stuck in the Senate.

    Away, I’m bound away, until you elect me.
    Away, I’m bound away, until you elect me.


    Thanks very much folks… nice soft bills in the tip jar, always welcome.

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