Goode improves his MZM comments.

After getting it wrong every time he’s been asked about MZM and Duke Cunningham, Rep. Virgil Goode has finally started reading from a better script. From Bob Gibson’s article in today’s Daily Progress:

Goode, when asked about Cunningham’s guilty pleas, said, “I was shocked and amazed at what was going on.”

He said he wants to give his MZM contributions to a tax-exempt “501 C 3 charity. I want to make sure we do it in the proper way,” according to federal election law.

Goode’s two Democratic Party challengers lining up for the 2006 election, Bern Ewert of Charlottesville and Al Weed of Nelson County, have called for the congressman to give MZM money back or to charity.

“I think financing of campaigns is a legitimate issue,” Goode said.

“Shocked and amazed,” and “financing of campaigns is a legitimate issue.” Well done. Five months too late, yes, but he’s got it right now.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »