Spiegelman at Virginia Festival of the Book.

Virginia Quarterly Review can claim credit for a real coup: getting Art Spiegelman to be the big guest at the 2006 Virginia Festival of the Book, here in Charlottesville. Melanie Mayhew writes in the Daily Progress: VABook! 2006 will feature Art Spiegelman, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer-illustrator of graphic novels “Maus” and “Maus II” and the memoir …

Kit Kat Coffee discontinued.

I’m a candy aficionado. One of my favorite things about taking a lengthy road trip is that I can stop in convenience stores and see what candy is available there that can’t be found at home. Things like Mint M&Ms. Goo Goo Clusters. Abba Zabba. Strawberry Charleston Chew. Skybar. The legendary Valomilk. The candy industry …

Virginia as a model political blogosphere.

Martin Johnson, on state political blogs: This past August, the Sorensen Institute at the University of Virginia hosted what was likely the first conference of political bloggers from a single state. By November, Virginia bloggers were so prominent that they were quoted in newspapers, appeared at political forums and, in this scathing letter from Kilgore …

Cabinet secretary speculation.

The Washington Post‘s Mike Shear has wrapped up his Race to Richmond blog and started a new one: The Richmond Report. It’s described as: What you will find, I hope, is a casual, fun and sometimes off-beat place for those little nuggets of political news from Virginia’s state capitol that you just can’t wait for …

Play the Grover Norquist game!

Quoth Grover Norquist: Democrat Tim Kaine was able to win the governorship because Republican Jerry Kilgore failed to make the race about taxes. While Kilgore had opposed last year’s tax increase, he did not make it a central component of his campaign and refused to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. In failing to make a …