NBC Nightly News podcasts.

On NBC’s news broadcast this evening, Brian Williams announced that, beginning next week, each night’s show will be podcast. The episodes will be made available in their entirety, beginning at 10pm EST. Though Williams didn’t use the word “podcast,” given that NBC already podcasts, and they seem clueful enough to have an RSS feed of episodes, they may just pull it off.

Very impressive.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “NBC Nightly News podcasts.”

  1. Hmmm…I’ve been downloading them for weeks, though I don’t have time to listen every day. So I’m not sure that they have been making each night’s show available.

    Better for me is that NBC podcasts “Meet the Press” and CBS has a podcast of “Face the Nation” every week.

  2. If someone could do it for local news outlets, it may just provide an out let that allow them to survive. People may not watch it at the time it comes in, but may listen to parts of it on their own time.

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