Mighty Mouse.

Mouse image Apple has just reinvented the mouse and, damn, is it hot.

The Mighty Mouse has no buttons or, depending on how you look at it, three. Instead of a scroll wheel, it has a trackpad built into the top of it. And inside the trackpad, there’s a trackball. And the whole thing can detect if it’s squeezed.

Of course, it’s optical. And it has a built-in speaker, so your mouse can…er…squeak, as a UI indicator.

Mouse. Trackpad. Trackball. Speaker. All in one. I love it.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “Mighty Mouse.”

  1. I have just a couple complaints about it. One, the price (but that is to be expected). Two, it isn’t wireless; having just purchased a third-party wireless mouse and keyboard, I can say that I like the freedom that they give me. Otherwise, this product is an excellent idea. I guess we’ll see how many Mac users bite.

  2. One can easily predict a wireless version of the new mouse, with a few other performance and productivity boosts, in a few months. It is the industry sales model, both PC and Mac, to trot out every incremental improvement, sell it for a while, then move onward and upward, to sell that for a while. Jumping to the next “final” version, without selling partial steps along the way, looses some of the profit potential.

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