Kilgore attacks Kaine, lies about it.

Here’s a pretty clear-cut case of Jerry Kilgore straight-up accusing Lt. Governor Tim Kaine and Democrats of being enemies of Christianity, and then lying about it.

In an undated fundraising letter, with a “chain of loyalty” theme, Kilgore wrote:

I am a passionate defender of our traditional values of God, family and patriotism…while Tim Kaine is a typical liberal Democrat who will always place the “values” of the radical Left over yours and mine.

And in another undated fundraising letter, sent out by Virginians for Kilgore (and signed by Kilgore), he wrote:

I am a proud believer in your individual right to keep-and-bear arms, to work, to worship freely and in promoting a culture that values the life of each individual…while Tim Kaine certainly shares his liberal Democratic Party’s twisted conviction that each of these God-given rights are somehow a threat to our Republic.

Finally, in a fundraising letter from Virginians for Jerry Kilgore, dated March 18 of this year, he wrote:

These are left-wing activists who don’t share the values of faith, family and freedom that we Virginians hold dear. Yet that’s where so much of Tim Kaine’s support is coming from.

So, we can see that Kilgore has established a pattern of attacking both Tim Kaine and his supporters as enemies of Christianity.

Kaine called Kilgore on this during the debates. Here’s the excerpt:

      Kilgore lies about his letters

This is part of a series of debate excerpts. Transcript and complete MP3 available.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Kilgore attacks Kaine, lies about it.”

  1. I think a subtle distinction needs to be made. Kilgore’s not just “attacking both Tim Kaine and his supporters as enemies of Christianity.” He’s attacking Tim’s Christianity itself, casting aspersions on the character and genuineness of his belief. Attacking a man who has lived his faith like few others in public life. It’s simply despicable, and it reeks of a spitefulness and detriment of spirit that will, I believe, become the defining mark of Kilgore’s campaign as it falls further and further behind.

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