It’s not so simple after all.

I’m trying to make simple syrup to keep on hand to sweeten iced tea. So I dissolved a mess of sugar in a pot of water, reduced it to a syrup, and let it cool. Now I have a pot full of rock candy.

What am I doing wrong?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

12 replies on “It’s not so simple after all.”

  1. Dissolve sugar in room temperature water until no amount of additional stiring dissolves what’s at the bottom. If you heat the syrup to increase the sugar concentration, you only make it supersaturated and it will dropped out on cooling, as you discovered.

  2. Oh. Hey. That makes a lot of sense. I don’t know why nearly all of the recipes that I consulted cheerily say “heat water, stir in sugar, cool,” when plainly that won’t work, given that it’ll supersaturate.

    I’ll take this chunk of sugar and dissolve it in a larger pot of water, such that it will be less saturated. Thanks!

  3. Actually, you normally do want it to be supersaturated. But the way to supersaturate it without it crystalizing on cooling is to add a little bit of corn syrup to the mixture. So take like a cup of water, a couple of cups of sugar, and maybe a tablespoon of corn syrup. The different sugar structures will prevent crystalization.

  4. Do you like mint in your iced tea? This is a super recipe for mint syrup. You can also use it to make mint-ade.


    * 3 cups sugar
    * 2/3 cup red wine vinegar
    * 1 1/3 cup water
    * 2 cups fresh mint leaves

    Bring the sugar, vinegar, and water to a boil. Remove from heat and add mint, and cover. When cool, take out the mint leaves and decant into storage container. Serve diluted to taste with ice water.

  5. Waldo-
    Use equal parts of table sugar and water- 1 cup to 1 cup etc. You can also add about a tablespoonful of light corn syrup but it is not absolutely necessary. Bring to a boil and let cool. wahlah! store in the fridge for nearly forever.

  6. Do you like mint in your iced tea?

    iced tea:without mint :: day : without sunshine

    I’m totally on it. Thanks. :)

    Use equal parts of table sugar and water- 1 cup to 1 cup etc.

    I wondered what the magic ratio was. 1:1 it is!

    I’m gonna gorge myself on sweet mint tea today.

  7. I’d say, if you ended up with a whole lot of rock-candy, you’re doing everything RIGHT.

  8. one question — why not honey? It’s already in liquid form and is yummy in iced tea!

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