Post spanks Kilgore.

Last week, Virginia Attorney General and Republican candidate for governor Jerry Kilgore launched his first attack on Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine, his opponent for the seat. He said a lot of stupid things, but this really took the cake: The voters “will learn that [Kaine] was an ACLU lawyer. They’ll learn that he not only opposes the death penalty but [that] he has actually represented death-row inmates, those who escaped from prison.”

Coming from anybody running for office, such a position is ludicrous. Coming from the attorney general, it’s dangerous. I sputtered over this when I read it. I wasn’t the only one.

Today, the Washington Post, in their lead editorial, provides Kilgore with a sound spanking for such stupidity. The crux of of it:

Jerry W. Kilgore, the Republican attorney general of Virginia, apparently needs a refresher course on the Constitution.


Mr. Kilgore’s inane accusation is an affront to the principles of justice he is sworn to uphold. It’s no great shock that he embraces the death penalty; what’s surprising is that, as the state’s top law enforcement official, he would imply that there is something wrong with representing defendants or convicts in capital cases.

There’s quite a bit more to the editorial, and it’s well worth a full reading.

Kilgore is a dangerous and, as the Post points out, hypocritical ideologue. It’s good to see that the Post editorial board agrees on that point.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »