Slim, slim pickins.

I’ve kvetched about only being able to get into crappy or off-the-wall classes (such as Real Estate Law — a fine course, but the topic fails to interest me in the least and has almost nothing to do with my political science major), but, damn, my spring ’05 classes really take the cake:

  • Introduction to the Internet
  • Insects and Human Society
  • Travel & Tourism Management
  • Catering Management
  • Human, Technical, and Life Science

Sweet Lord. Introduction to the Internet. Catering Management.

I’m going to try to claw my way into some less-horrible classes, but since I can only pick from Internet-based courses, what with the moving away from Blacksburg in 20 days, the pickins are very, very…nonexistent. Taking a Introduction to Pottery class at Piedmont Virginia Community College just looks better and better.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »