Democrats ceding the attorney general’s race?

Here’s the fundraising data from the attorney general’s race, current as of June 30, which was the last reporting date.

Del. Bob McDonnell: $801,871
Steve Baril: $784,690

Sen. Creigh Deeds: $60,784
Sen. John Edwards: $5,355

What the hell? Have we, as a party, made some sort of a decision to cede this seat? Why didn’t I get the memo? Is there some sort of a plan in place to catch up? Why hasn’t Creigh Deeds (who I’ve endorsed) asked me, or (apparently) anyone else, for help? (John Edwards may or may not remember who I am. Creigh, on the other hand, knows better.) If memory serves, my campaign raised more than John Edwards when I was running for City Council.

There’s a lot of work to be done by Virginia Democrats. I’m no longer willing to assuming that somebody else is taking care of these things. I’ve got to get out of school (1 month, 9 days to go) and get to work.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »