C’ville Dems defining who they are.

Tuesday night, at 7pm, the Charlottesville Democrats are meeting at Buford Middle School to discuss developing a Statement of Principles. Currently, party has no platform, no agenda, no stated purpose. As I wrote in my suggested changes to the Charlottesville Democratic Party back in May:

“Charlottesville Democrats have no stated mission, no specified common beliefs, no specified shared goals. Without a mission statement and a platform, a political party isn’t a political party; it’s a tea party.

“Some argue that a platform is divisive. They’re right, it is: it divides the Democrats from the not-Democrats. It’s how we know that we’re Democrats, and how we can know that we’re serving a purpose in this world other than holding meetings, appointing one another to offices and handing out awards to each other. So let’s be divisive, let’s be controversial, let’s be loud, let’s be daring. Just be something.”

I feel strongly that the establishment of a statement of principals is essential to creating a healthier, stronger future for Virginia Democrats, and Charlottesville is thankfully taking the lead in that regard. I am unable to attend, but I hope that everybody in Charlottesville that defines themself as something more liberal than a Republican will consider attending this important event.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »