Bush campaign fundraising FAQ.

These are honest-to-god frequently asked questions, from a memo that the Bush campaign sent to their New York fundraisers:

Q: Can I use my personal aircraft for campaign business?
A: No, you may not use your personal aircraft for campaign business. Corporate aircraft may be used, but only if each person boarding the plane pays the equivalent of a first-class airplane ticket.

Q: Can I have a fund-raising cocktail party for my friends at a private club or hotel and pay for the party?”
A: No. You may have them come to your house and treat them up to $1,000 in expenses per adult in the household without it counting against your $2,000 contribution limit.

Q: Can I use my executive assistant to help with my fund-raising activities?
A: Any person can volunteer to help. Employees may volunteer a maximum of 1 (one) hour per week during working hours and an unlimited amount outside of the office.

That President Bush. He’s a real man of the people.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »