Links for October 27th

The Guardian: Mexico City considers fixed-term marriage licencesThe city is considering offering two-year marriage licenses. Couples would get married, and two years later their marriage contract would end, though they could, of course, renew it. Why? Because so many marriages end after two years, requiring an expensive and trying divorce. I've been forecasting limited term …

Links for July 8th

Wikipedia: The National RoadOne of the first highways in the country was the aptly named "National Road," running from Cumberland, Maryland to south-central Illinois, the road was to continue clear to Missouri, but the project ran out of cash. Construction of the 620-mile road ran from 1811–1838, having been authorized five years prior by President …

Links for April 19th

Politico: Half of Iowa Republicans don’t believe Barack Obama was born in U.S.Another quarter simply aren't sure. Iowa Republicans must be some of the dumbest people on Earth. Rubular: A Ruby regular expression editor and testerEnter a regular expression and a test string, and it evaluates the results. Marvelously useful. Reuters: Swedish spruce may be …

Links for March 21st

Stack Overflow: Regular expression to search for GadaffiHow do you identify "Gadaffi" (and its many, many variants) in an block of text? With this regular expression. \b(Kh?|Gh?|Qu?)[aeu](d['dt]?|t|zz|dhd)h?aff?[iy]\b looks like the winner. Bonus points go to the guy who figured out that it can be matched with Soundex, which is probably a better way to deal …