Sweet land of liberty.

I just discovered NPR’s “Americandy: Sweet Land of Liberty,” a series of stories about regional candies from around the U.S. Some obvious ones make the cut—GooGoo Clusters, Valomilk, Idaho Spud, Cherry Mash, Nut Goodie, Rocky Road—but I’m excited to learn about a bunch of others that I’d never heard of. Chukar Cherries, Chewie Pecan Praline, Melty Bar, Chocolate Charlies, Red Coconut Balls, Needhams, Modjeskas, sponge candy…these are all news to me. Every time I travel someplace new, I scour corner stores for regional candies. Now I’ve got a bunch of new candies to be on the lookout for. 

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Sweet land of liberty.”

  1. From Central New York state, city of Rome, a local candy called “Turkey Joints” is popular every fall. It is chocolate and rock sugar candy pulled and stretched like taffy and spun and stretched some more then cut off in 3 to 4 inch long pieces; because of the folding and stretching these end up being grey-brown and they appear to have knuckles every couple of inches – so it looks like finger bones… but taste good if you like sweets and chocolate.

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