Links for December 25th

  • New York Times: Climate Scientists Hampered in Study of 2011 Extremes
    “'I’ve been a meteorologist 30 years and never seen a year that comes close to matching 2011 for the number of astounding, extreme weather events,' Jeffrey Masters, a co-founder of the popular Web site Weather Underground, said last month. 'Looking back in the historical record, which goes back to the late 1800s, I can’t find anything that compares, either.'”
  • Brent Simmons: ‘Gamification’ sucks
    Yes, yes it does.
  • Wikipedia: J. W. Westcott II
    This little boat, sailing out of Detroit, is the world's only post office boat that delivers mail to other ships under sail. It's got its own ZIP code: 48222. There can't be very many post offices that actually come to you.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “Links for December 25th”

  1. I have no idea what this gamification thing is, but I’m holding a thick wad of Franklins above my head waiting for the savior who can deliver me from sharepoint and make the Office ‘ribbon’ go away!

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