Links for July 8th

  • Wikipedia: The National Road
    One of the first highways in the country was the aptly named "National Road," running from Cumberland, Maryland to south-central Illinois, the road was to continue clear to Missouri, but the project ran out of cash. Construction of the 620-mile road ran from 1811–1838, having been authorized five years prior by President Thomas Jefferson. Today it's U.S. Highway 40. (Fun fact: U.S. highways with numbers that end in a zero run clear across the country, or at least did at one time.)
  • HTML5Pattern
    A great feature of HTML5 is the ability to assign regular expressions directly to form fields to validate input, thus allowing people to create credit card fields, ZIP code fields, IP fields, etc., without requiring the use of JavaScript to validate that data within the client. This website is a library of regex strings for validating various types of input.
  • The Washington Post: Ubiquitous ‘tiny belly’ online ad part of scheme, government says
    Must we all pretend to be shocked that these awful ads are a scam? The surprising thing is that so many people didn't know—enough that losses to this fraud may exceed $1B.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Links for July 8th”

  1. Wow. A billion dollars in losses to the “tiny belly” ads? Here’s your sign, people. Here’s a billion signs.

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