links for 2010-02-23

  • Paste in huge piles of ASCII text, receive a cleaned-up version—double hyphens converted to em dashes, inch marks converted to quotation marks, foot marks converted to apostrophes, and presumably some other nice transformations take place. Handy.
  • Remember all the Republican fussing about how the healthcare bill was just so durned long? Well, now they're upset with the White House plan because it's too short. And after insisting that such proposals had to be online for 72 hours for public review before voting on it, John Boehner complained that doing so indicated that the president wouldn't be willing to cooperate. This sort of nonsense makes as clear as possible that Republicans have zero interest in participating in meaningful dialog about improving healthcare, and are just looking to waste a lot of time and energy.
  • State government hiring freezes and furloughs have rendered ineffective President Obama's federal winterization program. Even though the feds are offering the money to cover the cost of the positions, in the name of economic stimulus, states have eliminated the people who know how to do the work, and they've got neither the capacity nor the apparent willingness to hire people. I'd like to hear some 'splaining from Virginia about this. How much money were we offered? How many jobs would have been created? Why didn't we follow thorugh?
    (tags: economy obama)
  • Democrats need to man up, put their huge majority in both chambers of Congress to work, and pass healthcare reform. Republicans have no choice but to suck it up and take it, what with being a small minority of this country. If (when?) that happens, Republicans are going to be confused, distraught, and angry, because they've already written healthcare reform's epitaph.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “links for 2010-02-23”

  1. I have been watching the dems for the past couple months and can only wonder one thing. Why are they so afraid of the filibuster?

    The dems look wussy- Let the repubs have their filibuster- its not like the are using the chamber to pass any actual laws. I truly can’t figure out what the dems think would happen that is worse than the inaction of a large majority.

  2. The problem with letting the Republican’s filibuster is that then you have to have a cloture vote, and Harry Reid is (unfortunately) a giant goddamned coward about letting the Democratic caucus in the Senate go on record about things.

    His concerns are two-fold:

    1. Some Democrats might vote against it.
    2. Some Democrats might vote for it.

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