links for 2010-02-17

  • You know your food has gone bad when it looks, smells, or tastes bad. The number on the package is basically just a guess.
    (tags: food health)
  • Of all of the terrorists brought before military courts, a grand total is currently serving time for his crimes. And he refused to participate in his trial, in protest. Of the terrorists brought before civilian courts, a hundred and fifty have been convicted. Why is it, again, that we want to try terrorists in military courts?
  • An all-too-briefly-lived website offering nuggets of information on high-falutin' topics, so that you can appear to know just enough about it to sound smugly erudite. Example: "Although King Lear is rivaled perhaps only by Hamlet, I tend to agree with critic Charles Lamb's observation that it ought to be read, not performed."
    (tags: humor trivia)
  • That is all.
    (tags: wtf)
  • An atheist seeking "to cash in on [the] hysteria" of the Rapture has figured out a great way to do so: He's selling pet insurance, at $10/year, promising to take care of the critters if their owners are raptured. He's got a hundred clients so far, all of whom believe a) that they're goin' to glory in the next ten years and b) that pets don't have souls. If there are no dogs in heaven, why would I want to go there?
  • Fox News is tracking how many times President Obama uses the word "I". To what end? They don't know. But Language Log is on the job, to put the numbers in context. In one recent appearance, House Majority Leader John Boehner used the word 55% more often than the president. In a recent speech Sarah Palin used it 31% more often than the president. In accepting their respective nominations, John McCain said "I" 50% more often than Obama. But so what? What does Fox think we should do with this information?
  • Gov. McDonnell has figured out a clever way to avoid taking flak for his proposed budget cuts: by making them a secret. One his his recommendations is to cut $30M from FAMIS, which provides medical care for poor children. Because what we really need in a recession, with more poor kids than ever, is for more of them to get sick and die. ("Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?")
  • Remember how Bob McDonnell endorsed redistricting reform when running for governor, lo those many weeks ago? Well, it's nice that you do, but McDonnell doesn't. The next few weeks constitute the totality of the window in which such reform can take place in the legislature, but McDonnell and his staff refuse to have anything to do with it. And so senate Democrats will draw themselves comfy new districts, house Republicans will do the same for themselves, and the minority—and the voters—get the shaft. Delegate McDonnell, who Candidate McDonnell so roundly criticized, appears to be staging a comeback.
  • I've long been a fan of Roger Ebert. I've met him, I've taken a film workshop that he taught, and found him to be gracious, engaging, and very intelligent. But his life post-illness—since he's lost his lower jaw, along with his ability to speak and eat—has been so much more interesting than the prior chapter of his life. It turns out he's got lots to say about topics other than movies. His blog is brilliant. Not only did all of this not end his career, I think it's started a new one for him, one that will have a greater impact than his career as a film critic.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “links for 2010-02-17”

  1. So if pets have souls, how would they qualify to get into heaven?

    I still don’t understand the buying of insurance for these pets. I thought Earth was going to be disaster zone after the Rapture (well depending on when you think it will occur in the whole process). I mean with the Seven Seals and Seven Trumpets, whose to say that the atheist taking care of your dog will still be around. Or that your dog won’t have been killed somewhere in that process.

  2. The pet insurance is brilliant. Pure genius. I’m ashamed I didn’t think of it. I should open a rival insurance agency and sell my services for $9/year. Nothing like a little healthy competition, huh?

  3. What really matters in food instead of an arbitrary guess is how far it had to travel to get to you or your grocery store.

    Example: Bolivian beef ground together with US beef, making a frankenmeat.

    That’s why more and more we are becoming locavore, with meat added to that list starting in June. Of course, we grow lots of our own vegetables and preserve them ourselves.

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