links for 2009-11-17

  • American Right to Life plans to launch a protest against Sarah Palin because she's insufficiently pro-life. I'll give ARTL this: their position is consistent and logical from the perspective of somebody who believes that every sperm is sacred. But this illustrates the problem of extremism of all stripes: the inability to recognize that somebody who is with you 90% is your ally, not your enemy.
  • Using federal drug arrest data, these folks have figured out that Virginia is forfeiting $20.9M in tax revenue. (At what tax rate, they're not saying.) I have to admit that's less than I expected.
  • If the cover of "W" magazine is any indicator, Demi Moore has lost a chunk of her thigh in a grisly accident. Or, more likely, they photoshopped her within an inch of her life.
  • The magazine invited all 100 U.S. Senators to draw a map of their state, with the three most important points in the state marked, with an explanation as to why those points are important to them. Great idea. But only twelve senators participated—neither Sens. Warner nor Webb are among them. Boo.
  • In 2002, writer Carl Hoffman spent 45 days on a 175-foot ship, trawling in a grid pattern at 1.5 knots, looking for Amelia Earhart. It was just him and thirty other people, with absolutely nothing to do, in the middle of nowhere, without a drop of alcohol. They damned near went insane.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

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