A British tale of a conservative fall and rise.

A parallel to Republicans’ current situation can be found in England. The logical conclusion would be that if Republicans want to regain power, they’ll have to support the sorts of things that the great majority of the country support—for starters, stop fussing about gays and embody the “conservative” in “conservation.”

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “A British tale of a conservative fall and rise.”

  1. Parallel, perhaps. But there’s an enormous chasm between the GOP the the Tories. I recently realized there’s just no way that could vote Labour, these days. And I realize that that could result in a Tory gov’t. And I’d be okay with that (contrast the current situation here, where the best possible GOP result couldn’t even approach the worst Dem, in my view.)

  2. If that parallel holds to some degree, a major question is whether the current crop of Republicans (especially in Virginia) can actually make this kind of change, or whether it will require a generational change.

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