9 replies on “5 words my poetry professor used during today’s lecture.”

  1. Bonus points if you know homeoteleuton. If you can drop homeoteleuton in a poetry class, you’ll achieve a sort of “rock star” status.

  2. Looks like Mac OS X doesn’t know “paratactic,” either. But thanks for the spelling correction, Kaveh. That’s what I get for tapping out a blog entry on my iPhone while walking back to work. :)

  3. That’s what I get for tapping out a blog entry on my iPhone while walking back to work. :)

    Oh, Waldo, you’re so cool! ;)

  4. I conjecture that your professor uses aureate palaver to augment the appraised merit of your edification. :-) Brian, try looking up “parataxis.” That might work.

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