Virginian-Pilot on Richmond Sunlight.

The Virginian-Pilot has a really kind editorial about Richmond Sunlight today. What a nice surprise to read this today. I don’t generally write about my own press coverage, but I’m just so darned flattered that I can’t help it. (Via Vivian Paige)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Virginian-Pilot on Richmond Sunlight.”

  1. The GA should enter a Resolution of Commendation to you, Waldo.

    With all of my fussing over what a waste of time and money that commendations are? I should hope not. :) But I appreciate the thought!

    I’m going to add a catpcha thingee to my blog and make folks spell my last name right ;)

    When I wrote this blog entry, I thought very clearly “hey, I finally know how to spell Vivian’s last name, so I don’t even have to check.” The trouble stems from my 9th grade science teacher, Mr. Page. He’s permanently skewed how I spell that name. :)

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